For 1 and half year I have been collecting my make up remover discs.
I displayed them on a semitransparent frame like in a lab for analyzing the daily.
Maybe if we would see it with a microscope, every disk acts like a biologic diary holding the molecules of the environment that I have crossed and the people I have met.
The entire image is fragmented in modules that remind the basis of the digital, the bit, which also gives us the beat of the time lapse intercourse for the creation, acting like frames of my days.
W. Benjamin wrote that ”we know about the optical unconscious through the cinema as we know about the instinctive unconscious through psychoanalysis” referring to the fact that in the cinema we can stop frames of action that we cannot perceive with human eyes. I would add that we know about the unconscious culture through the web. We perceive and being perceived mostly through distraction, which is now the social behavior for creating culture: scrolling, posting, sharing and showing images on social networks and the web with no dramaturgy and mixing totally different contents.
“The social network has intercept our fear of not being seen and being alone and has founded its success on the expulsion of this fear. The basis of online relationships is the satisfaction, “says Bauman,” and the relationships become extremely fragile.”

I see and I’m seen, therefore EYE AM.

photography: Gaetano Giordano // www.gaetanogiordano.com

  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_00.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_01.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_02.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_03.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_04.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_05.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_06.jpg
  • https://www.pamelacampagna.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/EYE-AM_07.jpg